ViziApps LogicBuilder is the industry’s first platform for creating the essential flow and glue logic for Mobile First workflow apps, with no code. Integrated with ViziApps 5, LogicBuilder provides 70 built-in functions for 9 critical types of mobile app operations, all with no coding:
- Custom User Experience and App Navigation
- Field actions
- Multi-source Data Management
- Logic operations
- Math operations
- Device actions
- Date and Time operations
- Loops and Popups
- User Notifications
Introducing LogicBuilder™ – The Brains behind ViziApps No Code Mobile App Logic Development

Built on the experience of thousands of mobile app creation users, including the world’s largest enterprises, ViziApps 5 uniquely provides all the critical features you need to create true Mobile First workflow apps with no code:
- Custom Mobile First User Experience with optimized workflow navigation, not just fixed templates
- Custom Enterprise Branding, not some RMAD supplier’s branded template
- Unified simple Data Query Management from multiple cloud, on-premises, and IoT sources
- Custom workflow logic and forms, not just responsive mode display of a desktop application, or just data queries and simple forms
- Full use of all mobile device features, not just the camera
- Offline Operation in low and no signal locations
- Flexible Mobile App Deployment Options – EMM, MDM, ViziApps Publisher™, and the public app stores, not just public app stores

Imagine Susan, a Citizen Developer. She works in a large warehouse for consumer products. Susan has an idea for a mobile app to help warehouse and retail outlet partners manage inventory from their mobile device. It no longer makes sense for those users to carry a laptop everywhere they work.
This mobile app needs to access inventory stored in a relational database (e.g. Oracle) and the product catalog stored in a different cloud-based database (e.g. Quick Base). The app user experience and app logic flow govern data retrieval and storage via the two sources, bar code scanning of UPC codes on product packages, math to calculate remaining stock, returned damaged stock, and other metrics. Depending on the outcome of the calculations, the results are tabulated and presented in a pie chart on the user’s iPhone or Android phone and updated in the backend databases.
Susan isn’t a programmer, yet she can create her app without writing a single line of code in just hours using ViziApps Powered by LogicBuilder. It’s as simple and fast as that.
Try ViziApps Studio for yourself with this Free Trial.