Smart Phones. Smart Homes.
Why not Smart Livestock Management?
Smart Phones. Smart Homes.
Why not Smart Livestock Management?
In the Feb 18, 2015 Forbes article, “The Future of Agriculture? Smart Farming,” contributing author Federico Guerrini wrote “The agricultural sector is going to face enormous challenges in order to feed the 9.6 billion people that the FAO predicts are going to inhabit the planet by 2050: Food production must increase by 70% by 2050, and this has to be achieved in spite of the limited availability of arable lands, the increasing need for fresh water (agriculture consumes 70 per cent of the world's fresh water supply), and other less predictable factors, such as the impact of climate change, which, according a recent report by the UN could lead, among other things, to changes to seasonal events in the life cycle of plant and animals.”
Guerrini wrote further, “One way to address these issues and increase the quality and quantity of agricultural production is using sensing technology to make farms more "intelligent" and more connected through the so-called "precision agriculture" also known as ‘smart farming’.”
This is the problem Outsource Technical Concepts is addressing with AgVis, their precision livestock monitoring solution. And they are doing so with ViziApps for the mobile app.
This is the problem Outsource Technical Concepts is addressing with AgVis, their precision livestock monitoring solution. And they are doing so with ViziApps for the mobile app.
Successful digital transformation requires efficient mobile app user adoption, and that requires an effective mobile user experience. The ViziApps’ platform focuses on the creation and management of responsive mobile business process apps with optimal workflow and simple and efficient UX navigation. Using ViziApps LogicBuilder™, you can rapidly create custom mobile workflow apps with branded UX, optimal UX navigation, and use of mobile device features, all with no code. These LogicBuilder Functions enable Citizen Developers, IT Professionals, and Solution Providers to rapidly create robust and even complex Mobile First business process and workflow apps using visual drag ‘n drop techniques, not coding.
What’s delivered to the end user is a simple UI designed to focus the user on the task at hand, providing them with just the information and options they need to take next-step actions via the device in their hands.
ViziApps helps speed Digital Transformation. ViziApps helps your mobile employees love their jobs.
ViziApps Studio 5.0 now comes with a significant new user interface update, based on customer feedback. Studio 5.0 offers all new button icons, a refined color design, and improved tool panel layout.

ViziApps LogicBuilder is the industry’s first platform for creating the essential flow and glue logic for Mobile First workflow apps, with no code. Integrated with ViziApps 5, LogicBuilder provides 70 built-in functions for 9 critical types of mobile app operations, all with no coding:
- Custom User Experience and App Navigation
- Field actions
- Multi-source Data Management
- Logic operations
- Math operations
- Device actions
- Date and Time operations
- Loops and Popups
- User Notifications